I spent last Monday in a film shoot for a new DVD collaboration with Jane Dunnewold.
The DVD, Vibrant Color: Combining Soy Wax and Dyes for Brilliant Results, focuses on three techniques for adding MX dyes to soy wax. It was my first experience creating a DVD, but Jane is a pro at this. She makes it look so easy!
I spent the previous week organizing my thoughts and materials. Actually it wasn't too much different from preparing to teach a class. Create an outline, gather supplies, make samples.
The one thing that was different is I found myself obsessing about what to wear. Those of you who know me, know that I am not exactly a fashion maven. I wear pretty grungy clothes when I teach. And even when not teaching, I don't really get too concerned about what to wear. But somehow that didn't seem appropriate on camera! And then the day before the filming, a friend of mine said something about makeup. "Makeup! I need to wear makeup?!!" I haven't worn makeup since leaving the corporate world behind 12 years ago.
Well, those things all sorted themselves out and we were ready to begin. James Sanders, our video producer, was a pleasure to work with. He has filmed a lot of programs for the local PBS station. His easygoing style made me comfortable and I know he's going to do a great job of editing and production.
We hope to have the DVD out by the end of July. I'll post more info and a preview later. Below are some photos from the film shoot.

Jane's makeup session
James and his assistant, Josh, getting the camera and microphone set up
The newest studio cat had a great time playing with the cords and tripods.
Getting the shot just right
Pretty Girl, one of the studio cats, is getting bored. Let's get things moving!

Now we're rolling!
Itty Bitty's all tuckered out with all the excitement.
How exciting. I'm all a twitter waiting for this new DVD. Congrats to both of you!