Sock Monkey wine glasses by Mimi Kerpoe
I'm a few chapters into Julia Cameron's book, Walking in this World, and this morning's reading really spoke to me. Cameron talks about accepting yourself (and your art) as you are right this moment. Many of us sometimes feel our work isn't "good enough" or not "high art". But what does that really mean? Are there different classes of art - some more worthy than others? I don't think so. Our art is all about our own self-expression.
We often reject who we are, wanting to be more like someone or something else. Cameron feels that not only should we not fight who we are, we should celebrate it. We should do what we love not what we feel we should do or what others think we should do.
My sister in law is a great example of one who celebrates her unique talents. Mimi is a very talented artist and teacher. The above photo shows some wine glasses she painted for a charity auction (she was one of 50 local artists participating.). Mimi has a great sense of humor, she is playful, enthusiastic, creative, joyful and truly listens to her inner voice. These glasses are a great reflection of that. Who could look at them and not smile?
We all need a role model like Mimi in our lives, to remind us to be who we are and let our light shine. Who is your role model?