Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Back to Reality

Having recently returned from a two month retreat, I am slowly coming back to the real world. I purposely allowed myself a gradual immersion so as not to shock my system.  I'm not going to give a recap of the trip here, but little bits and pieces will be incorporated into my blogs for the next few months.

Many have asked how the retreat was. I'm not sure I can find the words. Great, fantastic, excellent - these words really don't capture the depth of the experience. What I can say is that it was exactly what I needed. I enjoyed the solitude, the quiet, the time for personal renewal.  I also accomplished an awful lot. Near the end of the trip I was feeling that I didn't get much done, because I didn't have a lot of finished work to show for my time there. Then I realized how much I advanced a number of projects. A lot of my time was spent working with new techniques, so there was a bit of a learning curve. That time generated many ideas, which will provide inspiration for months to come.

My gradual immersion is over and this week will be busy with a long list of to-do's. But I know I can recapture the peace of the retreat by simply closing my eyes, taking a deep breath and silencing my mind.


  1. Welcome back! Glad you had time to experiment and renew... breaking out of the mold really opens up possibilities! You got me started doing that earlier this year... can't wait to see what you will be sharing over the coming months!

  2. Wonderful experience and long enough to make a difference. Welcome back with a refreshed spirit and advanced projects!

  3. Sounds like a wonder-full experience, the results of which, I'm sure, will unravel over time. Charging your creative batteries... we should all take that time.
