Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Art Movie Night

Last year we implemented art movie night at our house.  A couple of times a month, we check out an art documentary from the library. We started it as a way to spark our creativity and gain some inspiration.  We don't limit ourselves to visual artists, we've watched documentaries about performing artists as well.

I have found it both enjoyable and inspirational.  I always get something out of it.  Even if I don't particularly care for the artist's style, I like to see how they approach the creative process and hear their philosophy. Often I find a serendipitous message that comes just when I need it.

Last month I discovered a website, Top Documentary Films, that offers streaming video of many documentaries.  That is a good alternative to the library, if you don't want to wait for the dvd to become available.

Below is a list of some of my favorites.  I'd love to your suggestions, too.

Wasteland – follows Vik Muniz as he creates portraits using items reclaimed from a recycling facility in Brazil
Marina Abramovic: The Artist is Present – fascinating documentary about the performance artist’s retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Andrew Goldsworthy: Rivers and Tides – the documentary follows the artist as he creates art in natural settings with organic materials
Ai Weiwei: Without Fear or Favour – compelling story of Chinese artist Weiwei’s work and fight for artistic freedom
George Harrison: Living in the Material World – great insights in to the life and work of Harrison
Exit Through the Gift Shop - documentary about Banksy and other street artists, with an interesting twist
My Kid Could Paint That – documentary about Marla Olmstead, a girl who received renown for her paintings at the age of 4


  1. Lisa, you might enjoy "It Might Get Loud," a documentary that brings together three generations of rock guitarists (Jimmy Page, The Edge from U2, and Jack White) to talk about how they created their work and creativity itself. Be sure to watch the bonus feature after the film -- a press conference the three guys did at (I think) the Toronto Film Festival.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, Donna. I've heard that is good but haven't watched it yet.
