Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Quilting Arts TV

I received some exciting news last week - I have been invited to participate in the taping of Quilting Arts TV next month. I now get to join the ranks of some of my favorite artists. The show airs on PBS in some markets.

I have been writing a series of articles for Quilting Arts magazine on resists from the kitchen, so they asked me to do a segment on that.  I'll cover oatmeal, instant mashed potatoes and rice cereal.  I'll also tape a segment on brayer printing. Below is a sneak preview of the results from some of the techniques.  No news yet on when they will air, but I'll pass it on when I know.

Circles and Squares, mashed potato resist, hand stitching 

Kundalini , brayer printing, hand stitching


  1. Wonderful. It was really fun to do the taping last year. And I got to see snow for the first time in ages. Have a ball!

  2. Thanks, I'm looking forward to it! And given the weather this year, I probably will see snow!

  3. Hey Lisa! I'll see you in cleveland! I tape on Wednesday too.
