Friday, January 21, 2011

In Class

I spent last week in an Independent Study class with Jane Dunnewold.  Jane holds it every January and it has become a new year's ritual for me.  Many of us have been returning for 3-5 years. Everyone works on their own thing.  I find it a great way to jump start the new year and it is fascinating to see what everyone else is working on. I came away with a lot of finished cloth and a lot of ideas for more! Here are some photos of the week.

Leslie Jenison shows some of her Spoonflower fabric. It was like a guessing game trying to figure out what the original photo was.

A graffiti-inspired cloth by Leslie Jenison  

Linda Dawson works on her unique process for transferring color to fabric from paper.

The finished pieces

This almost-finished cloth is by Jeannette Davis.  At the beginning of the week, all she had was the original dyed fabric.  Everything else was done in class.

Diane Lopez displays her natural dyeing techniques.  This cloth has iodine (and some other unidentified substances as well!) Diane sells her beautiful scarves at Kathleen Sommers in San Antonio.

Vivian Mahlab works on layers of screenprinting

Another piece by Vivian

This is one of my layered resist pieces - 3 layers of soy wax and immersion dyeing.

This is three layers of potato dextrin resist, handpainted

Another one of my pieces - multiple layers of Jacquard resist and acrylic medium resist


  1. enjoyed your pictures Lisa!
    your dvd has opened up a whole new world to me! thanks so much! (and the grits casserole was very tasty!)


  2. All of them are just gorgeous. What a nourishing way to begin the year, indeed!!

  3. Cheesh - and to think that I know almost everybody in that class. What a great week that must have been - and what a luxury.
    I have to make time for CLOTH!!
