Monday, November 22, 2010

Layered Screenprinting

Last weekend I taught a class on screen printing at the Southwest School of Art in San Antonio.  It's a fun class that covers some of my favorite techniques.  I know, I know, I say that about every class. I guess I just don't sign up to teach techniques that I don't enjoy doing.
Anyway, the class focused on multiple layers of screen printing with dye and the use of resists to block out white space. We also layered sheer fabrics on top of each other so the printing would penetrate both layers.  The great thing about working with thickened dyes is that the fabric stays soft, and it's fun to see how the colors blend and interact as they are printed one on top of another.

We used soy wax and gel glue as a resist directly on the fabric and on the silkscreen.  We also used masks, such as shredded paper, leaves, masking tape and freezer paper stencils to create a pattern on the fabric.

I'm doing another class in January by special request. If you are intrigued by the photos below and are interested in taking the workshop, let me know and I'll keep you informed of the dates.


Screen printing with soy wax on the silkscreen

Multiple layers of screen printing with soy wax on the fabric and on the screen

Screen printing with shredded paper under the screen

Multiple layers with freezer paper masks

Adding background color

Multiple layers of printing with gel glue resist and a sequin waste stencil

Adding a leaf to round out the design


  1. That looks like so much fun! And to think we could have been doing that at HCAF!

  2. Goodness gracious!! Great photos of your class @ work & great prints! A fabulous time was had by all, obviously!!! :-)

  3. Lisa, this looks marvelous. So wish I was closer to this kind of creative life. Maybe, someday, I will get to take part. Who knows?

  4. I was just now searching for about this when I discovered your post. I’m just stopping by to say that I really enjoyed reading this post, it’s very well written. Are you planning to write more on this? It seems like there is more depth here for more posts.

    1. Thanks, Brian. I hadn't planned on more posts about this topic, but this summer I did a lot of screenprinting after a couple years off. Maybe I'll post some of the results here.

  5. I am looking great screen printing after couple year, Specially handmade screen printing is inspiring me a lot.
