Friday, February 18, 2011

Selling Out or Selling Smart?

Are visual artists "type-cast" like actors?  I wonder.  If we become successful at something or known for working in a certain style, is that all people want to see from us?  What if we want to try something new - will it be accepted?

This is on my mind after a presentation by an artist at a local art organization. The artist is very successful, has work in galleries throughout the world  and has been known for 30 years for her florals. Her work is in demand and sells for thousands of dollars.  She has been drawn to a more abstract style, yet feels some barriers in getting this work accepted into galleries.  Because her florals are so successful, that is what the galleries want.  She exhibits her abstract work under a different name.

There are so many ways I can process this information. Is she selling out by continuing to do florals?  I guess if she likes doing them she isn't selling out. But if she prefers painting abstracts, painting florals takes time that she could be spending on the abstracts.  On the other hand, if she can get $5,000-$9,000 for one floral, she doesn't have to make as many, which would free up time for working on abstracts.

And there is also the emotional issue.  How does that feel if the work you prefer to create is not valued in the marketplace? It can take a thick skin to deal with that.

I suppose there really are no answers to a lot of my questions. Each of us has to make that decision for ourselves.  This does tie in with recurring thoughts I have had about my style. I don't feel that I could work in the same style or the same theme for 30 years. This isn't a negative judgment of those who do, because others may have more focus and be able to explore a concept more deeply than I.  But I struggle with how to keep things fresh, and also maintain a recognizable style. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Art Tour This Weekend

This weekend is the 4th Annual On & Off Fredericksburg Road Studio Tour. Organized by Bihl Haus Arts, this self-guided tour of artists' studios takes place in San Antonio’s Deco District. It features over 90 artists representing a wide variety of styles and media.

I'll be participating, along with Jane Dunnewold, Linda Charlton, Martha K. Grant and Allison Brown-Cestero at ArtCloth Studios. We will have some of our work on exhibit, and we will be doing demonstrations throughout the day. The studio is located at 1101 W. Woodlawn Avenue, at the Beacon Hill Presbyterian Church. I hope you can stop by!

ArtCloth Studios did not participate last year, so I had the opportunity to visit some of the studios. It's really fun, because you see the artist in their creative space. You have an opportunity to see their work and talk with them.

The tour weekend kicks off Friday evening, February 18, 6:00-9:00 pm, with the Reception at Bihl Haus Arts, 2803 Fredericksburg Rd. On exhibit will be works by each of the studio tour artists. Stop by for the fabulous art, hors d’oeuvres, wine and live jazz.

The tour is on Saturday, February 19 from 11-6 and Sunday, February 20 from 12-5.

Visit the website for more information.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Healing Art Challenge

I came across an art challenge on Cori Berg's Sacred Arts blog the other day. It's a challenge to create art about finding joy.  You can create in any medium and if you email a photo of your piece to Cori by Feburay 4th, she'll post them on her blog.

I sent a photo of one of my experimental acrylic pieces - because I found so much joy in creating it! I hope to see some of your work there on Friday , as well!