Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weekend Retreat

With my husband out of town for a few days, I had great plans to have a "retreat in place". Plenty of time to do what I wanted, when I wanted, to feed my soul and uplift my spirit. So, what have I done with my time? Well, I couldn't attain inner peace until my house was clean and neat. Day One - catch up on emails and thoroughly clean entire house. A neat and tidy home got me excited about all the unrealized possibilities for improving my home.

Day Two - Plant annuals and herbs, finally decide to buy curtains for the bedroom (because I know I'll never get around to making them!). I just couldn't keep myself away from my art, so I added some things to a "finished" piece. Unfortunately, it was a disaster. Day Three - Try to undo what I did to my "finished' piece.

Three days and my weekend has slipped by, so I decided to add one more day to my "retreat". Maybe tomorrow I'll actually relax and just be.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Never Say Never

"Start a blog?! Me? Never!" That was my response when people suggested I start one. So why do I find myself staring at the computer screen, sorting out all the blog options? I am not an avid blog reader, but there are several fiber arts related blogs that I frequently view. I have been inspired by the photos, the information sharing and the opportunity to keep up with what is new with each blogger and the fiber arts community. My intention for this blog is to add to that community and to share my experiments, experiences, successes and disappointments in the recognition that we can all learn from another's experiences. I hope you will share this journey with me.